Prices of accommodation in our family hotel by Balcarka for the year 2023
1 - person in double bedroom | 1 400 CZK/night |
2 - double bedroom | 1 400 CZK/night |
3 - room with three beds | 2 100 CZK/night |
4 - room with four beds | 2 800 CZK/night |
the whole hotel with 18 beds | 12 600 CZK |
Child without demand on bed is free
Continental breakfast 160 CZK/person.
Booking of accommodation here.
By obligatory booking we would like you to send 50% of advance payment from our fixed price on the account in KB Blansko
number of account 544748631/0100
Constant symbol 0308
Variable symbol-use the date of your arrival, for example: 25/6/2024 will be 25062024
When paying from abroad:
IBAN CZ7801000000000544748631